On February 4th, Pastor John, Worship Leader Tyler Hagemier, and two others attended the Evangelism Discipleship Conference in Springfield, MO at Crossway Baptist Church. There were several great speakers including Jimmy Scroggins and Michael Catt. The theme of the conference was "Desperate for Jesus." It was two days of wonderful worship, learning, and fellowship in Christ. You can catch videos that will be uploaded soon from the conference on the mobaptists.org website: http://mobaptist.org/evangelism/sec-2016/.
We had a huge turnout for our Praise Party! We are thankful for all who attended and all who helped put things together! We are looking forward to the events of 2016!
Last night we had our Christmas dinner, and it was a wonderful event! The food was delicious, the servers were a blessing, and the fellowship was long overdue. We had a large family style dinner with pass around serving bowls and trays. Candlelight and music set the tone, and laughter and conversation filled the room. It was a wonderful night with a wonderful congregation. Upcoming Holiday Events: We will be having our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7pm on Thursday, December 24, 2015. It will be another special evening, but this time the focus will be only on the birth of our Savior. We are so thankful for the opportunity to serve and worship God in this community.
On Friday, August 14th, Second Hand for a Second Chance had a Give-A-Way at MBC. Over 40 families were served. Several volunteered their time and energy to make it a successful event! They would like to say thank you to all who donated in support of the cause. If you would like to donate any items (clothing, household, furniture, etc.) please contact Kayla Stephens at 573.470.7877 or by email at [email protected]. You can also check out their webpage for upcoming dates and information. Go to the church website and click outreach! The next Give-A-Way will be held in October, a date will be determined later.
MBC News!Each week we try to post at least one article about something going on in the church! Check back weekly to see our Blog! Archives
February 2016
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